Season continues on May 16 – Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2 to start from matchday 26
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7 May 2020 – At an Extraordinary Assembly of the DFL, held today by video conference, the 36 clubs of the Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2 discussed the resumption of match operations. After the Executive Committee of the DFL yesterday, Wednesday, agreed in principle to continue the season “from 15 May”, 16 May has now been set as the specific date. The DFL is therefore following the wording of the federal and state decision, which says that the return of the Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2 would be acceptable “from the second half of May”.
In both leagues, the season will continue from matchday 26. The subsequent matchdays will follow in the order originally planned. The final matchdays of the Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2 are scheduled for 27 and 28 June, respectively. As the scheduling of the matchdays until the end of the season requires an adjustment to the overall schedule, final talks to coordinate this adjustment are currently being held with the DFB.
Meanwhile, the second wave of coronavirus tests scheduled before the start of team training is now complete. It comprised 1,695 tests. Two cases of infection were identified and reported immediately to the local health authorities, which will decide on what steps to take.
The Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2 match schedules for May and June can be downloaded here (available in German language only):